How To Get A Deep Sleep Using Hypnosis

Every night, millions of Americans go to bed, but did you know about 30 percent of adults have trouble sleeping deeply?

In most of these cases, insomnia is the culprit, but not the only one. If you’ve troubling thoughts or going through a rough patch, you will certainly find it difficult to sleep deeply. Also, as you hit your 50s or 60s, the amount of deep sleep you can enjoy drops off.

Is there a solution? Absolutely.

Through hypnosis, an induced state of self-consciousness, you can be able to enjoy a nice deep slumber.

In this article, we’re digging into deep sleep hypnosis. Keep reading to learn how you can use it to your benefit.

Step 1: Prepare Your Bedroom (Sleeping Environment)

Look, even if you’re the kind of person who catches sleep a few seconds after stepping into bed and wakes up many hours later, you’re unlikely to get a nice deep sleep if your bedroom is messy.

As such, the first step to practicing deep sleep hypnosis is to ensure your sleeping area offers a relaxing environment.

Clean up and decongest your bedroom

Got a study table you rarely use? It doesn’t belong in your bedroom. Got a TV and sound system in there? For the sake of your sleep, they’re better off installed elsewhere in your house.

Step 2: Ready Yourself

After the bedroom is ready, turn the focus to yourself.

Wear your most comfortable sleeping clothes. Or, if you find sleeping in pajamas uncomfortable, there is no problem stripping down!

It’s also important to do some relaxing activities, like yoga, meditation, reading or listening to soft music, just before going to bed.

During the day, you can engage in your favorite sport, too. You’ll enjoy the benefits later!

Step 3: Enter Deep Sleep Hypnosis Mode

Free Your Mind

Once you’re in bed, assume a comfortable sleeping position and immediately focus on clearing your mind.

Some troubling thoughts may seem difficult to dispel; perhaps you’re going through a divorce or your position at work is on the line, but with enough concentration, you can do it.

Try thinking about something else. For instance, if you’re dealing with a divorce, you can visualize yourself in a future marriage where you’re all happy with a new spouse.

Don’t worry about what the future holds for you. Remember, your most urgent goal right now is having deep sleep nights.


As the troubling thoughts gradually fade into the darkness, start breathing deeply.

Take in deep inhalations, but exhale slowly. Focus on your chest as you take the deep breaths. You’ll start feeling the air leaving your body. This marks the beginning of your transition into a state of self-hypnosis, a world where everything is the way you want it to be.

Embrace Hypnosis Recordings

Audio hypnosis is the use of recordings of messages that can help you deal with poor sleeping patterns.

You can make this recording yourself, or you can find one that pleases you online.

Regardless of which you choose, be sure to listen to it at least once a day, especially just before going to bed. Repeated listening will help you focus on the task at hand, which is practicing deep sleep hypnosis.

In fact, in one study, it was established that participants who were exposed to audio hypnosis got 67 percent more sleep, and their deep sleep time increased by 80 percent!

Get the Deep Sleep You Deserve

Getting a deep sleep regularly will improve your overall health and make you more productive.

Thanks to this post, you now know how you can be deep sleeper through deep sleep hypnosis. Even though it might seem difficult at first, things will ease up as you settle into the hypnosis routine.

If you need further help, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
